اردو شاعری میں ’’خفقان‘‘ کے نفسیاتی مسئلے کے خَد و خال


  • فرحان کامرانی


The present study was an attempt to analyse the psychological disorder of Khafqan mentioned in Urdu poetry. For this, 17 Urdu couplets were sampled and analysed to identify the features of the concept of Khafqan. Each couplet was analysed considering three points: 1. what is the meaning of Khafqan in the couplet, 2. what reasons of Khafqan are given in the couplet, 3. is there any treatment suggested for Khafqan in the couplet. With the help of this analysis, a list of 17 symptoms, 5 causes and 4 treatments of Khafqan has been compiled. The characteristics of Khafqan that came to light from the analysis of the sampled couplets suggest that in today’s term it can be labelled as the broader category of Anxiety disorders. It has symptoms of 'Panic Disorder', 'Specific Phobia', 'Generalized Anxiety Disorder' and some symptoms of 'Obsessive Compulsive Disorder'.

Keywords: Khafqan, Urdu Poetry, Anxiety Disorders


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