Tehseel 2024-03-21T09:24:21+00:00 Open Journal Systems اردو شاعری میں ’’خفقان‘‘ کے نفسیاتی مسئلے کے خَد و خال 2024-03-21T09:07:54+00:00 فرحان کامرانی <p>The present study was an attempt to analyse the psychological disorder of <em>Khafqan</em> mentioned in Urdu poetry. For this, 17 Urdu couplets were sampled and analysed to identify the features of the concept of Khafqan. Each couplet was analysed considering three points: 1. what is the meaning of <em>Khafqan</em> in the couplet, 2. what reasons of <em>Khafqan</em> are given in the couplet, 3. is there any treatment suggested for <em>Khafqan</em> in the couplet. With the help of this analysis, a list of 17 symptoms, 5 causes and 4 treatments of <em>Khafqan</em> has been compiled. The characteristics of <em>Khafqan</em> that came to light from the analysis of the sampled couplets suggest that in today’s term it can be labelled as the broader category of Anxiety disorders. It has symptoms of 'Panic Disorder', 'Specific Phobia', 'Generalized Anxiety Disorder' and some symptoms of 'Obsessive Compulsive Disorder'.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> <em>Khafqan</em>, Urdu Poetry, Anxiety Disorders</p> 2024-03-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Tehseel رسالہ مناظرہ میر سید شریف (فورٹ ولیم کالج، کلکتہ کا ایک غیر مطبوعہ رسالہ ) 2024-03-21T09:12:47+00:00 ساجد صدیق نظامی <p>Fort William College, Calcutta was not just a college where the officers of EIC were educated but it was an institution which set the tradition of enlightenment for the Urdu prose especially. Along with the syllabus books, students of oriental languages pursued the ways by which they could learn more than routine scheme of syllabus. For this purpose native teachers were appointed for their tuition and coaching. Although Mazhar Ali was Munshi in the Persian Department but also associated with a student Jonathan Lovett of the same department. Mazhar Ali also translated a brief journal in Urdu on the request of his student under the title of <em>Ris</em><em>ā</em><em>lah Mun</em><em>ā</em><em>zarah Mir Sayyid Sharif </em>in 1802 or 1803. This journal focuses on the concerns of Logic and on the rules of <em>Mun</em><em>ā</em><em>zarah</em> (argumentation/ debate). Unfortunately this journal was never published, neither from the Fort William College nor by an individual.</p> <p>In this article, for the first time, the critical text of this journal is presented along with a brief introduction of Jonathan Lovett and Mazhar Ali. A glossary of some terms and words is also including at the end of the article.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Mazhar Ali, Jonathan Lovett, Mir al-Sharif al-Jurjani,</p> <p><strong>&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</strong>Fort William College, Calcutta</p> 2024-03-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Tehseel اردو گرامر کی تشکیل نو: اردو، عربی، انگریزی اور فارسی میں معرفہ اور نکرہ کا تقابلی جائزہ 2024-03-21T09:18:09+00:00 محمد نذیر (نذیر بیسپا) <p>Urdu grammar, heavily influenced by Arabic grammar, adopts a multitude of terminologies from Arabic. Despite numerous grammar books, persistent confusion exists in the Urdu definitions of key terms, notably "Ma'rifah" and "Nakrah." The confusion arises from the misinterpretation of these terms in relation to Proper Noun (Ism-e_Khas) and Common Noun (Ism-e-Aam) by grammarians. Early scholars employed "Ism-e-Ma'rifah" and "Ism-e-Nakrah," later replaced by "Ism-e-Khaas" and "Ism-e-Aam." Unfortunately, most definitions provided by grammarians are inaccurate, with only a select few offering precise explanations. This article undertakes a comparative analysis of definitions in Arabic, English, and Persian grammar, contrasting them with Urdu interpretations to underscore discrepancies. The primary objective is to establish a comprehensive and scientifically accurate definition for "Ma'rifah" and "Nakrah." Additionally, the article delves into the interchangeable use of "Ism-e-Khaas" and "Ism-e-Aam" by Urdu grammarians, contributing to the broader discourse on these terms. This research not only addresses the specific goal of rectifying the definitions of "Ma'rifah" and "Nakrah" but also significantly contributes to the clarification of terminology within the realm of Urdu grammar writing.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Ma'rifah and Nakrah, Ism-e-Aam and Khaas, Comparative</p> <p><strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;</strong>Grammar, Urdu Grammar, Grammar Writing</p> 2024-03-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Tehseel مغربی تہذیب: تصادم کانظریہ ضربِ کلیم کے تناظرمیں 2024-03-21T09:22:10+00:00 ظفر حسین ظفر <p>The study of cultural rise and down, it's proximate strife and evolution have been remained a serious matter for past and current research. In the current study, the terminologies of culture and civilization are used synonym of each other. However, for sure, a slight difference exists between the two. The terminology of Custom is also the interconnected with culture and civilization. About the rise and fall of various nations and civilizations, various renowned philosophers like Ibn e Khaldun, Tyner B, Gabbana and Spangler proposed their envisioned knowledge that reflects the elements of consistent competition, conflict and solicitousness among various nations and civilizations over the period of time. Scarcely in human history,&nbsp; there would have been past an era&nbsp; spared of conflict, war and bloodshed. A question rises, in true sense what a civilization really is? Why conflicts having been occurring? What is the relationship of civilization and culture in real sense? Moreover, what are the causes of conflict and war arises among the various civilizations and nations? The present study aims to explore these research questions.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Clash of Civilization, Zarb-e-kalim, Western Culture, Iqbal, History</p> 2024-03-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Tehseel